Wednesday, August 3, 2011

To whom is this taking about? He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.?

In this prophecy, we learn something about the cost of deliverance. Jehovah would provide a “seed,” a rescuer, who would one day destroy Satan, crushing him out of existence. However, that rescuer would suffer along the way, receiving a figurative wound in the heel. That sounds painful and debilitating, but what does it mean? Just what would Jehovah’s Chosen One have to endure? In order to save mankind from sin, the rescuer would have to provide a means of atonement, a way of reconciling humans to God by undoing the effects of sin. What would that involve? There were early indications that a sacrifice would be required. When the first faithful human, Abel, offered animal sacrifices to Jehovah, he met with divine approval. Later, such God-fearing patriarchs as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Job offered similar sacrifices, which pleased God.—Gen. 4:4; 8:20, 21; 22:13; 31:54; Job 1:5. w09 9/15 5:6, 7

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